Wednesday 19 June 2024
Pakistani expert in interview with Qodsna:

American public not to be fooled by US pro-Israel resolution

A Pakistani scholar told the Qodsna that the US administration proposed a ceasefire resolution for Gaza war, which is aimed at protecting the illegitimate Zionist regime.

US aid pier in Gaza failed, likely to be dismantled earlier

Aid organizations have said that the $230 million temporary pier constructed by the US military to expedite humanitarian aid to Gaza has not been successful in fulfilling its purpose and is likely to cease operations earlier than anticipated.

Thousands of Gaza children diagnosed with severe malnutrition

The Palestinian government’s information center has warned of an increase in starvation in Gaza, stressing that 3,500 children in the enclave are threatened with death.

70,000 Zionist troopers disabled in Gaza war

The Zionist ministry of military affairs says the number of disabled Zionist troopers has surpassed the 70,000 for the first time, adding that 8,663 troops have also been injured since the start of the war on Gaza.

Hezbollah hits Zionist arms factory with missiles

The Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah says it has targeted a Zionist arms factory in a missile attack.

Zionist regime shocked by Hezbollah drone mission

The release of a video of a Hezbollah drone flying over the Zionist-occupied territories has severely shocked and terrified Zionist military and security circles.

Pakistani expert in interview with Qodsna:

American public not to be fooled by US pro-Israel resolution

A Pakistani scholar told the Qodsna that the US administration proposed a ceasefire resolution for Gaza war, which is aimed at protecting the illegitimate Zionist regime.

Ship linked to Zionist regime sinks in Red Sea

The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) has confirmed the sinking of a commercial vessel recently targeted by the Yemeni armed forces in the Red Sea.

Military analyst:

Netanyahu on collision course with military, intel chiefs

Amos Hariel, a military analyst of the Zionist media Ha'aretz has written an opinion column suggesting that the Gaza war will soon cause a conflict between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his military and intel chiefs.

Jerusalem Post:

Israel drops out of top 10 millionaire destinations for first time in decades

"The ongoing war has not only shattered Israel’s image as a safe haven but also threatened to overshadow its economic achievement," said a senior client advisor.

US warns Zionists against Iran retaliation if Tel Aviv enters war with Hezbollah

A special envoy of the president of the United States stated that a war between the Zionist regime and Lebanon’s Hezbollah could lead to a military conflict between Iran and the Tel Aviv regime.

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